S4E21 – What, Me Marry?

You know, sometimes writing these descriptions is a real struggle. What is there to say every week when the plot of every single episode these days is just "Amy is bad, and Ricky is a handsome genius"? It's S04E21, "Allies",

5 years ago

You know, sometimes writing these descriptions is a real struggle. What is there to say every week when the plot of every single episode these days is just “Amy is bad, and Ricky is a handsome genius”? It’s S04E21, “Allies”, and it certainly is an episode of Secret Life. Between the mandatory Amy hate and Omar’s, uh, heel turn??? there’s not a whole lot of good things to talk about, but at least George is hilarious as always! This week, we love Game of Scrones. You’ll get ’em next time, Keith!

Sam | Jordan

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